This month has been a whirlwind of emotions and I wish I was more poetic so I could capture the essence, but deep down I know this is a period of growth. I have felt like the world has come crashing down on me and its some karma from my poor behavior, but maybe life is just up and down and ebs and flows and I am not a beacon of pain and suffering in everyone's life. I spent the weekend in the burbs and I think its been a good reset. I have this fairy tail maldaptive daydream of what life could be like and I talked to my mom on the phone the other day and without me even mentioning anything she reminded me that the world isn't like that and sometimes you just accept whats infront of you. This is the sentiment I was raised on and I believed it for some time but I think maybe its okay to ask for a little more. Is it selfish of me to want something to pour love into if its for my own fufillment? Reflections for a 22 year old young woman figuring out what this is all for. I want a better life for myself but I question if I've done the work to deserve it...
This weekend I watched UDA dance team nationals and Ive been thinking a lot about my wasted potential. Why am I sitting at a desk all day when I'm meant to jump and turn. I run after work and lift some weights but these goddamn new years resolutioners wont get out of the yoga studio so I can dance. I was never naturally gifted at dance but it made me so happy and free. I took those days for granted. Anyway its freezing and dark in boston and life is feeling stagnent. Seattle here I come.
Its a snowy day in Boston and I woke up at 7:00 am and reorganized my closet and went back to bed. I slept on my neck wrong so now I am moving around awkardly. I had some TJ soup dumplings for lunch and I have big theif/adrienne lenker discography on. Its a simple day. I chugged my coffee too fast and my heart is racing but otherwise I am calm. I have felt somewhat refreshed going into the new year. I cried and yelled and got a lot of my emotions out back in VA. I broke down crying the whole flight back to Boston. I think I realized that being angry and sad doesn't change anything and I have a lot to be grateful for.
I don't mean to always have something to complain about but I am just very easily irritated. I am so tired and there is a yapper dog directly next to me at the gate and I don't want to work tomorrow. Jet blue tried to charge me AGAIN for my checked bag and I was not having it. I think I'm gonna make it to richmond tho.
I have one full day in the big city before I leave for the good ole hometown. I am feeling bittersweet about it. I left a lot behind and its both a weight off my shoulders and a piece ripped out of me. Am I a dynamic spirit who is constantly evolving into new forms or am I one creature holisitically made of everyhting that has led up to this moment? Such is life for a businesswoman in the big city. I shall find a way to spark the christmas spirit.
Today I went to my first harvard yale tailgate and I am not the machiene that turns alcohol into fairy dust that I once was. I was thinking about the Alice in Wonderland quote today "You're not the same as you were before, he said. You were much more... muchier... you've lost your muchness.” I fear I am losing my muchness. I think I am my most me when I am a bit too much. I am a lucky woman to have friends that welcome my muchness with open arms. Alright enough sappiness, but being 22 is a lot and I endured a lot of pain to keep my childlike wonder. I just want to hang on to it a little longer.
Being a corporate baddie is kinda exhausting. I can feel the silliness of youth slowly oozing out of me. Its kinda nice being busy and having a reason to wake up and start my day but I do miss some of lifes simple pleasures. A late afternoon walk and nap is a lost art. But enough complaining I'm lucky to be here, just gotta make the most of the perks and the people. Time to enjoy my weekend.
Today I woke up with all my covers on the ground after a night of tossing and turning. My water was shut off from 9-4 so I decided it was a sign to get out into the world and rid myself of the horrors of my internal psyche. I got some cute tops from TJ Maxx and wore my silly khaki cargo shorts. However I still have a mild stomache ache. Oh to be a girl.
After some emotional and tearful goodbyes I am settling in quite nicely to beantown. Today we briefly lost water and have an exciting RMV appointment to attend to. Also had the best meal of my entire existance at the Vermillion. AND I GOT TO SEE MOLLY!!!!!!! Might be hitting the town tonight will leave updates.
It is a miracle I made it to class today. I cant find my silver glasses, but in my search I found my other earring that I JUST reordered after it was missing for 2 months. I am having horrible allergies which is not typical for me. I just got my hair done so thank god I am back in my blonde bimbo bombshell form. I just want to go back to bed but alas I shall give my lecture my utmost attention.
Today I had orange creamsicle cake leftover from easter for breakfast with a 24 oz red eye. Cannot say I am feeling my best but I went to class and actually took good notes and understood what was going on. Yesterday I went to my first and potentially last Durham Bulls game. Honestly pretty fun shoutout to our uber driver otw home. Bought pink pants yesterday - feeling alive.
Today I woke up at 7 AM to thunder which I'm not sure has ever happened to me before. I dragged my lazy ass up and went to class tho. And then I walked a half mile in the pouring rain just to get coffee with ella and was soaking wet but I rewarded myself for my treacherous journey with online shopping! And then I went back to bed and listened to my rain playlist.
Today I had an exam and I think it went okay. After I dissociated in the library for like 3.5 hours and worked on my website until my meeting. Very uneventful day.
I had cookies for breakfast as my last form of sustanence and it is now 3pm and I am extremely anxious even though I have only drank half of my cold brew. I have an exam tomorrow and I don't understand any of the material. I made $11 in tips last night in a 6 hour shift but in good news my march madness bracket is at 80% accuracy and I am #1 in my apartment pool. I need to go run around but alas I must remain locked in for my academic persuits.
I cant believe that march is almost over. I am hosting today and I am a terrible host. Im basically a boomer bc I couldnt figure out how to change the channel on the TV. In good news I got a compliment on my glasses and it made my day since I usually hate wearing them. I am working a double and I am already tired so I think I need a coffee round 2. I listened to scott street 37 times yesterday and I dont want to talk about it.
Today I am writing from work and thankfully it is slow today. Mr Hooks ordered a burger today because the buffet was that bad. Meatballs and buttered noodles. The pollen is horrific and jessica and I spent 30 minutes wiping it off and its already coming back. I am dehydrated and its 12:30pm and all I have eaten is a banana and a black coffee (and some berries I stole off the buffet shhh). My mind is not here today.